Technical Art Principles

Automation. Automation is a goal all Technical Artists have in mind. In order to do bigger, better things, as much tedium needs to be removed from the workflow.

Collaboration. It takes a team of talented people of all disciplines to make something great. Don’t think you have to go it alone, and it’s okay that you don’t know everything.

Iteration. Nothing is perfect, things  can always be improved.

Augmentation. The benefits of extending a tool that an Artist is familiar with will almost always outweigh creating one from scratch. This is the benefit of familiarity.

Dissemination. Knowledge is power; the more we all know, the better the industry (and world) will be.

Optimization. Whether we are talking about a person or a computer, we strive for the optimal. This is done not only through complex equations and technical implementation, but also through repetition and muscle memory.

Advocacy. We are the bridge between disciplines, and as such, advocating on behalf of our teammates is an act that has endless benefits.

Education. Never stop learning!

Pragmatism. Some might call this a contradiction, but it is important to remain pragmatic in your problem solving. We are, of course, in the business of bending the rules.